Most of us work with ProTrack for broadcast and Media Manager for online video. Is the Metadata Co-op aligned with Myers on metadata and are the metadata fields also aligned with Media Manager?
Most of us work with ProTrack for broadcast and Media Manager for online video. Is the Metadata Co-op aligned with Myers on metadata and are the metadata fields also aligned with Media Manager?
For public media content to be discoverable and findable in today's multi-platform, content-saturated world, we have to adopt industry-wide metadata standards. The Co-op's Metadata Model incorporates EIDR, the unique ID embraced by virtually all global M&E players, and it incorporates other metadata standards dominant in our industry (MediaLabs for media file metadata and Gracenote for descriptive program metadata). By design, the Co-op's Metadata Model is technology-agnostic. Any technology vendor can access the Model and either adopt or align their own systems to it so as to ensure interoperability.
In the course of its work with the sIX Interconnection project, which leverages the Co-op Metadata Model and vocabulary, Myers has indicated that they plan to make EIDR IDs visible within ProTrack. Stations and other public media content creators should, however, contact Myers and other vendors directly with questions about how specific systems align with industry standards and best practices.
Also bear in mind that metadata models and schemas don't need to be identical to be interoperable, or to play nicely together. Crosswalks are a common tool for ensuring that the metadata fields you collect can be efficiently mapped to meet the needs of the platforms and partners you work with. You can learn more about crosswalks (and see how the Co-op's model maps to the Media Manager model, for example) at