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What fields are included in the Metadata Model for Content Discovery?


Do stations have to use all of the fields in the model and adopt it 100% or can they make changes?

  • To see the complete Metadata Model, visit

    The Co-op's Metadata Model includes the fields necessary for registering content with EIDR, which is, industry-wide, an important step for content creators to take to make it easier for audiences to discover public media programs in a digital world. (Visit to learn more about why our industry has embraced EIDR.) 

    In addition, the model includes all of the fields necessary for program listings based on current best practices in our industry. Stations must decide for themselves whether or not to adopt the Metadata Model, and for stations that have already implemented another model, it may make more sense to use crosswalks to align with the model than to make big changes. (You can learn more about crosswalks and how they are used at 

    The Metadata Co-op is happy to meet individually with stations to discuss the best approach for ensuring your metadata delivers a positive content discovery experience for your audience. Reach out to us at [email protected].

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